Washington (But Not Trump) Suddenly Taking UFOs More Seriously
Article Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/06/20/washington-but-not-trump-suddenly-taking-ufos-more-seriously/#eb28a0635d53
Topline: Washington lawmakers—but not…
Washington (But Not Trump) Suddenly Taking UFOs More Seriously
Article Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/06/20/washington-but-not-trump-suddenly-taking-ufos-more-seriously/#eb28a0635d53
Topline: Washington lawmakers—but not…
UFO LEAK OF THE CENTURY. Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.
Richard Dolan: Leaked UFO Notes on Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson
June 9th, 2019
Document link: Imgur
If it was anyone else besides Richard Dolan, I wouldn’t post this here…
LEON BIBI is the author of “Adam = Alien”. Leon is a historian and researcher of archaeology, human and ancient history, biology, Egyptology and religious philosophy. Leon is an adjunct Professor of Alternative Science, featured guest speaker on…
Manny interviews Philip Mantle about his work in UFO Research, Disclosure, and his latest endeavor Flying Disk Press.
O-Zone Links:
‘TR-3B’ TRIANGLE UFO hounds couple after they return from Area 51…
On this episode…
Manny finally interviews Alycia Tracy and Aaron Leddick from the film The Alienators. Checkout the links below and stay tuned for an amazing outro by no one other than John Konesky from the famed band Tenacious D.
Movie Links
On this episode:
First we discuss the strange news that Tom Delonge was named the UFO Researcher of the Year at the 2017 UFO Congress. Then we are joined by Kyle from the YouTube channel UFO Proof. Kyle takes us through his personal UFO experiences…
#alien #live #podcast #ufo
Manny is joined by Carlos a listener from the Michigan area that has some UFO experince to share with his fellow listeners.
Show Stuff
TeePublic Store – Get your UBR goodies today! http://tee.pub/lic/2GQuXxn79dg UBR…
Sawyers’ YouTube channel is youtube.com/3spm and my blog is sawyerhg.wordpress.com .
Sawyers’ Facebook page: facebook.com/sawyer.heavensgate
Self-published in 2017 that I give away for free online but can be bought via my ebay site tidobooks.
Article Link: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/05/please-god-let-it-be-aliens-and-not-trumps-space-force
It appears the U.S. government is softening us up for a revelation, either…
Bigfoot Was Investigated by the FBI. Here’s What They Found
Article: https://www.history.com/news/bigfoot-fbi-file-investigation-discovery
Legends of large, ape-like beasts can be found all over the world. Since the 1950s, the United States’ version…