Month: April 2021

TTU Roswell is Back, Baker Mayfield UFO Vindication, NUFORC Stories, and Proxima Centauri ProbingTTU Roswell is Back, Baker Mayfield UFO Vindication, NUFORC Stories, and Proxima Centauri Probing

Today’s News Baker Mayfield sticks to UFO claims after Navy's confirmed photos: 'It's real, I saw it' Link: 11 Strange...

TTU Grimsby Earth Day UFO, Corbell vs West, SpaceX Crew Demo 2 UFO, and Cumbernauld UFO Submitted to MUFONTTU Grimsby Earth Day UFO, Corbell vs West, SpaceX Crew Demo 2 UFO, and Cumbernauld UFO Submitted to MUFON

Today’s News 'Nothing on this Earth could have gone that fast' - Man videos 'UFO' floating in sky above Grimsby Link: Space X craft’s near-miss with ‘UFO’...

TTU Rudnyk, Humans are Ready, Senators on Recent NAVY Reports, ET Contact Bad, and Ingenuity…and What?TTU Rudnyk, Humans are Ready, Senators on Recent NAVY Reports, ET Contact Bad, and Ingenuity…and What?

Today’s News UFO philosopher: Humans not ready to make contact with aliens Link: Senators questioned about photos, video of UFOs above Navy warships...