UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 49: $100K for UFO Evidence and Nick Pope UK Pro-Soccer Player

7 years ago

One man’s $100,000 search for UFOs AN AMERICAN UFO hunter is investigating a possible sighting in Australia. And offering $100,000…

UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 48: Cassini Bites the Big One Friday and Rendlesham was Fakenews?

7 years ago

Rendlesham UFO: Craft seen could have housed aliens says former MoD investigator THE RENDLESHAM UFO, made infamous in 1980, could…

UBR Classic Episode 101: The Czech Republic Girls EBE Contact with Bret Colin Sheppard

7 years ago

In 1993, Ilona and Ivana made contact with an Extraterrestrial from ElieLive. This story is the personal experience of two…

UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 47: Update EBE in Czech Republic and 1966 UFO Sighting in Michigan

7 years ago

Article Link: http://hillsdalecollegian.com/2017/09/38351/ Hardly anyone on campus remembers that Hillsdale College once had its own close encounter with a UFO.…

UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 46: Contact with EBE in Czech Republic and UK UFO Super Hoax

7 years ago

Facebook Message: Hello Manny! I very much thank you for friendship! I am from Czech republic. I do not speak…

UBR Classic Episode 100 [Live]: The Grey Zeta Agenda with Paul Wesley

7 years ago

On this live episode, Paul Wesley the Truth Chaser stops by to share what he knows about the Grey Zeta…

UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 45: Deep Space Signal and Asgardian Troubles

7 years ago

Scientists Detect Mysterious Radio Signals From Deep Space Strange bursts are coming from 3 billion light years away. Article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/deep-space-radio-bursts_us_59a7bbcbe4b07e81d35530b7…

UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 44: Moon Pyramid Discovered and West Yorkshire Incident

7 years ago

Shock as 'ancient pyramid found on the moon'… UFO hunter claims 'significant discovery' Article link: http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/847225/Pyramid-moon-UFO-aliens-ancient-aliens-Egypt A UFO hunter who…

UBR Classic Episode 99: UFO Buster Radio Too Scary for UFOlogist and Abduction

7 years ago

On this episode, why are so called UFOlogists and Researcher scared to present their material on UBR. Also, Reddit appears…

UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 43: Trump Nominee Clovis UFO Madness and More Australia UFOs

7 years ago

Bargo UFO spotter sights mysterious black object on camera Article: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/macarthur/bargo-ufo-spotter-sights-mysterious-black-object-on-camera/news-story/149c6327e10bbd7d6d9c33d488c5fd23 A Bargo resident who has...