'Stunning' Tic Tac shaped UFO encounter by US Navy pilot? 'It was not from this world' Article link: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2017/12/19/stunning-ufo-encounter-by-us-navy-pilot-it-was-not-from-this-world.html A…
Big-O joins Manny to announce the winner of the 2017 RubADickies. Show Stuff Checkout our new UFO BUSTER RADIO GOODIES!!…
UFO author Stanley Romanek sentenced to 2 years to halfway house for child pornography possession Article link:...
WHAT ARE THEY? Bizarre huge silent triangle UFO sightings keep happening... now in UK EXCLUSIVE: Extraordinary triangular UFO sightings are…
SHOCK CLAIM: 'I SUMMONED ALIENS using expert’s technique before being hounded by UFO' PARANORMAL researchers are investigating claims a man…
Mystery triangle-shaped UFO spotted flying above Russia is the 'best evidence' for aliens ever recorded, conspiracy theorists claim Article Link:…
NEW UNIVERSITY CLASS CLAIMS ALIEN CONSPIRACY THEORIES ARE REAL, GOVERNMENT IS COVERING UP EXTRATERRESTRIAL CIVILIZATIONS Article Link: http://www.newsweek.com/aliens-conspiracy-ufology-turkey-mj12-extraterrestrial-contact-723651 A Turkish…
Sponsor Ad: Physical Attraction Pod Twitter: @physicspod Website: http://www.physicalattraction.libsyn.com/ T*T’S OUT OF THIS WORLD UFO hunters in a frenzy over…
We just beamed a signal at space aliens. Was that a bad idea? Article Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/we-just-beamed-signal-space-aliens-was-bad-idea-ncna822446 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/_hYAz68lJzo Doug…
ALIEN MADNESS? USA sees spate of crazy UFO sightings over past 48 hours Link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/881939/Aliens-UFO-spate-sightings-USA-last-48-hours-MUFON Shocking UFO events over the…