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Viral ‘Bigfoot’ photos at Turkey Mountain apart of city-park social distancing campaignLink:
TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — Recent photos of Bigfoot in Tulsa have been revealed as a campaign to get people active but at a distance.
You can add one more item to the general rules at Turkey Mountain.
“Honestly it makes me a little scared,” said hiker Jennifer Clinton.
Yellow signs have popped up with a message: Please practice social distancing on the trails at six feet a part.
“With the weather right now being the best it’s ever been, I wish there wasn’t a virus going around and we could enjoy it way more but this makes do,” said Enrie Chavez.
Several groups like Izabella Skinner and Chavez stopped by Thursday to brave the trails and other people.
“Kind of takes your mind off of it for a little bit, but these signs are a constant reminder of what’s really going on,” said Clinton.
But to help change course from this COVID-19 pandemic there has been a viral campaign involving photos of Bigfoot on the trails.
“We came out here and staged several sighting photos, and from there it exploded, it absolutely exploded,” said Ryan Howell.
Howell is the man behind the mask.
The River Parks employee used the costume to bring some humor to the situation and promote social distancing.
“It turns out social distance sasquatch is just me in a costume,” said Howell.
Group Tracking ‘Bigfoot’ Shows 147 Reports of Sightings in Missouri
Many call it a hoax. Others say they aren’t sure if it’s real. Some claim to have seen it with their own eyes. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, there have been 147 reports of Bigfoot sightings in the State of Missouri alone in 2019.
Cody, a student at Missouri State University, On a late May night in 2012, Cody was with three friends who went to a game access area close to Smithville Lake in Clay County, Missouri
“I’ve seen bears, I’ve seen mountain lion, I’ve seen bobcat,” Cody said. “Even in the dead of night, checking game cameras in southern Arkansas, and hearing a panther scream, I’ve never heard anything that quiet in my entire life.”
As Cody and his friends were getting ready to leave, they spotted something in the distance that still haunts them to this day.
“About 20 yards off the front of the Jeep, there’s something in the tall grass looking at us,” Cody said. “This grass is about three or four feet high and it’s like it’s a big thing with eyes like tail lights just looking at us.”
In a panic, the driver drove through a small cable fence, pulling the cables ties out. Cody said they almost hit the creature.
“The thing then stood up, and it was at least two feet taller than the jeep that we were sitting in.,” Cody said. “I got within about 15, 20 feet of it.” Cody says he got a better look at the creature from that distance.
“It’s just like what people say,” Cody said. “It looks like a person, but not like a person. Kind of like a monkey, but not like a monkey, or ape, rather. And then we just drove out of there.”
Of course, the scientific community wants to see conclusive proof of a specific animal—something many feel they haven’t seen yet.
Despite that, Bigfoot has stamped itself as one of the most famous cryptids in American history. The earliest recorded sighting reportedly dates back to Leif Erikson in the year 986. According to Rick Emmer in his book Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction, Leif Erikson and the Vikings who set foot on North American soil described seeing a creature that was “horribly ugly, hairy, swarthy and with big black eyes.” They called the creature “Skellring.”
Viral Video Captures the Screams of a Mystery Creature
A family from Ontario Canada was out hunting when they heard an eerie howling screaming in the distance. Smartphone in hand, they recorded the sounds. And a corner of the internet is convinced the now-viral video is evidence of Bigfoot.
Gino Meekis, an experienced hunter and resident of Northwestern Ontario near Sioux Lookout, was with his wife and grandson hunting grouse on October 3rd about 50 kilometers outside of the town when they hear an odd howl.
‘We walked down a trail to see if we can find a bird, and on our way back to the vehicle, it started,” Meekis said in an interview. “When it let out the first scream, I thought it was a moose, but my mind changed when it screamed again and again.”
Meekis and his wife paused for a brief moment to record the sound. His young grandson, who can be seen in the video, began to howl back at the sound.
Online cryptid enthusiasts are pointing to the video as evidence of Bigfoot. Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry isn’t convinced.
“Our biologists say it could be a larger mammal–for example a wolf–but because it’s a considerable distance from the recorder there is no way to know for sure,” Jolanta Kowalski, the media relations officer for Ontario’s Ministry of Resources and Forestry said in an email.
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