UBR Classic Episode 18: Aurora Event Recap and Project Starshot

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On This Episode…
A brief recap of the April 16th Aurora Alien Encounter and Manny’s perspective on the overall success. The event included speakers such as Jim Marrs, Travis Walton (abductee and subject in the film Fire in the Sky), Nick Redfern, Tui Snider, Stephen Andrasko, and Noe Torres.
In the O-Zone, we discuss project Starshot. The initiative led by Steven Hawkins and funded by billionaire investor Yuri Milner. The Starshot team hopes flotillas of miniprobes will eventually explore Alpha Centauri and other nearby star systems, studying the planets in those systems up close and searching for signs of life.
But the nanocraft will first cut their teeth much closer to home. – See more at:
O-Zone Link
Music loops from DL Sounds websites.
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982
To contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences or join the discussion on www.ufobusterradio.com.

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