UBR Classic UBR Truth Seekers Interview – Sawyer & Heavens’ Gate

Sawyers’ YouTube channel is youtube.com/3spm and my blog is sawyerhg.wordpress.com .

Sawyers’ Facebook page: facebook.com/sawyer.heavensgate

Self-published in 2017 that I give away for free online but can be bought via my ebay site tidobooks.

To get an overview of who TI and DO are, two people from Texas originally I suggest reading this booklet DO wrote in 1988 while I was still in the group:


Show Stuff

TeePublic Store – Get your UBR goodies today! http://tee.pub/lic/2GQuXxn79dg UBR Trurh Seekers Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/216706068856746
Manny Moonraker: https://www.facebook.com/MannyMoonraker/
UFO Buster Radio: https://www.facebook.com/UFOBusterRadio
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA
To contact Manny: [email protected], or on Twitter @ufobusterradio Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences or join the discussion on www.ufobusterradio.com
For Skype Users: bosscrawler

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