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The Worlds BIGGEST Secret We Are Locked In An ALIEN Computer Simulation Article Link: An in-depth look at the bizarre evidence that the universe could be a computer simulation. Some alien abductees have reported that ETs describe our universe as a 3-D hologram projected from another dimension by a Super Intelligence. There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it — are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own it is literally beyond both space and time. Marine veteran accused of shooting pastor in the head ‘claims ALIENS rule the planet’ Article link: Kyle Odom, 30, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder by secret service agents after they saw him toss something over the iron fence at the front of the White House. It was two days after he allegedly shot Evangelical pastor Tim Remington in the head and back at point blank range in the car park of his church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Unbelievably, Mr Remington survived the attack and has woken from the coma it left him in. Facebook Pages UBR Truth Seekers Facebook Group: Manny Moonraker: UFO Buster Radio: YouTube Channel: Google Plus Manny’s Updated Google+ Profile: To contact Manny:, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences or join the discussion on For Skype Users: bosscrawlerUBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 120: We Are Alien Simulation and Man Shoots Martian Pastor
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