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2018 RubADickies – Vote at November 10th through November 30th. MIT researchers: Lasers could send bat signal to aliens Article link: A new study out of MIT suggests leaving the light on for aliens to find us, literally. A new study out of MIT proposes using a high-powered laser to send a signal into space that could stand out from the massive energy of our sun and basically announce “we’re here!” to anyone who might happen to be looking. Author James Clark, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said in a statement this week. “I don’t know if intelligent creatures around the sun would be their first guess, but it would certainly attract further attention.” The research came out Monday in The Astrophysical Journal. It suggests that a 1- to 2-megawatt laser could be pointed through the mirrors of a massive telescope — like the controversial Thirty Meter Telescope planned for Hawaii — and shot into space to produce a planetary-scale lighthouse. it could potentially be used as a means of sending brief messages via pulses like Morse code, Clark said. Not everyone agrees that building a laser-powered universal beacon for all of human civilization is a good idea. Famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking famously warned that we should be wary of advanced alien civilizations on habitable exoplanets. Show Stuff TeePublic Store – Get your UBR goodies today! UBR Trurh Seekers Facebook Group: Manny Moonraker: UFO Buster Radio: YouTube Channel: Google Plus Manny’s Updated Google+ Profile: To contact Manny:, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences or join the discussion on For Skype Users: bosscrawlerUBR Classic UBR – UFO Report 139: Porch Light For Aliens…Just Leave The Light On
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