UBR Classic UBR – UFO Report 145: Weather Controlling UFOs in Argentina
2018 RubADickies – Vote at ufobusterradio.com November 10th through November 30th. http://ufobusterradio.com/2018-rubadickies UFO activity in Argentina is causing ‘EXTREME WEATHER’ – shock claim Article link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1045251/ufo-sighting-argentina-extreme-weather-forecast-alien-news-space A STRANGE orb-like UFO has been spotted in Argentina and alien hunters believe it could be the reason for bad weather in the area. A mysterious bright light was seen just hovering outside of a home in Santa Cruz, Argentina. The odd light was seen during a wind storm, which has led some to believe it may have caused it. The object seems to float around the place in a calm manor, which has some theorising over its purpose. Some conspiracy theorists believe that aliens are here on Earth to monitor the human race, and even effect the weather “as if it was fun for them”. Prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring believes extraterrestrials could be monitoring our reaction to extreme weather scenarios. He wrote on his popular blog UFO Sightings Daily: “This UFO was caught outside a home in Argentina during a wind storm and it may be the very cause of the weather being so harsh that day. “UFOs are known for causing wind, lightning, thunder, hail and even tornadoes. “Why is still unknown, but UFOs have been recorded during such events as if it was fun for them. Show Stuff TeePublic Store – Get your UBR goodies today! http://tee.pub/lic/2GQuXxn79dg UBR Trurh Seekers Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/216706068856746 Manny Moonraker: https://www.facebook.com/MannyMoonraker/ UFO Buster Radio: https://www.facebook.com/UFOBusterRadio YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggl8-aPBDo7wXJQ43TiluA Google Plus Manny’s Updated Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MannyMoonraker To contact Manny: manny@ufobusterradio.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences or join the discussion on www.ufobusterradio.com For Skype Users: bosscrawler