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Mars Opportunity rover has image of unidentified metallic object, puts internet in a frenzyNASA Mars Mission Log:
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It’s shiny. It’s sharp. It’s on Mars. It must be aliens! What appears to be a chunk of metal photographed by the Opportunity Rover has UFO buffs in a spin.
The high contrast infra-red image, published by the Mars Exploratino Rover Mission (Opportunity: Panoramic Camera: Sol 348) was uploaded by the Opportunity Rover on March 17.
It shows an unusually shiny, and jagged, object sitting neatly on top of the grainy surface of Mars’ Meridiani Planum.
Rover Fact – Launched on July 7, 2003 as part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover program, it landed in Meridiani Planum on January 25, 2004, three weeks after its twin Spirit (MER-A) touched down on the other side of the planet.
BRITAIN’S X-FILES UFO files reveal Cold War spy plane crew’s horror as mysterious craft ‘covered in 20 flashing lights’ closed in at 35,000ft
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Ministry of Defence dossier reveals a terrifying UFO encounter that took place 35,000 feet above the Mediterranean. The once top secret file was released by the Ministry of Defence last week, along with several other declassified documents.
They include the gripping account of an unexplained incident on 19 October 1982 when a USAF RC-135 plane snooping on Soviet military activity was buzzed by “a big object” over the Med.
British troops stationed at RAF Troodos – a base on Cyprus – listened in as the American crew called for help as a UFO cloaked in “a multitude of flashing lights, 20 at a time” zoned in.
During the 90 minute incident, two US Navy F-14 fighters were scrambled and an RAF Phantom was diverted from a flying exercise to tail the intruder spotted on the south of the island.
An investigation was opened into the bizarre sighting and sent to the US defence bods, documents show.
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