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Concept “Asgardia – the Space Nation” by Dr. Igor AshurbeyliAsgardia is a fully-fledged and independent nation, and a future member of the United Nations – with all the attributes this status entails: a government and embassies, a flag, a national anthem and insignia, and so on.
The essence of Asgardia is Peace in Space, and the prevention of Earth’s conflicts being transferred into space.
A core legal principle is that Asgardia does not interfere in relations between states on Earth – and vice versa.
The scientific and technological component of the project can be explained in just three words – peace, access and protection.
Asgardia’s technical structure is comprised of three segments:
•one or several core satellites
•clusters of network-centric small satellites
•protective space platform
IGOR ASHURBEYLI is the head of the nation
They have their own calendar based the Gregorian calendar.
The Asgardian calendar consists of 13 months in the following order: January, February,
March, April, May, June, Asgard, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Each month of the Asgardian calendar is 28 days long.
The final day of the year, which coincides with December 31, 2017 in the Gregorian
calendar, does not have a date and does not belong to any month. It is called “Year Day”.
Total Asgardian 270233
Asgardia 1: Every Asgardian is invited to send their files to space – be it a photo or a file of their choosing – on our first satellite, Asgardia-1, scheduled to launch in autumn 2017 to the International Space Station.
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Background Track: Sugar by Vibe Tracks