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EXCLUSIVE: Inside tomb in Peru where ‘mummified aliens were found’
The disclosure came after scientists and the Peruvian World Congress on Mummy Studies released statements saying they believed the creatures were hoaxes that had been made using real human remains, and demanded an official inquiry into whether any archaeological crimes had been committed.
Don’t Believe in God? Maybe You’ll Try U.F.O.s by CLAY ROUTLEDGE
An emerging body of research supports the thesis that interests in nontraditional supernatural and paranormal phenomena are driven by the same cognitive processes and motives that inspire religion.
When people are searching for meaning, their minds seem to gravitate toward thoughts of things like aliens that do not fall within our current scientific inventory of the world.
It is important to note that thus far, research indicates only that the need for meaning inspires these types of paranormal beliefs, not that such beliefs actually do a good job of providing meaning.
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