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UBR Truth Seeker Facebook Group: 67 UFO Sightings In Ohio In 2017: Report
A Columbus man reported being abducted and “zapped” into unconsciousness. Others saw strange objects dancing through the night sky.
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67 encounters with unidentified lights, flying objects, and creatures from another planet since Jan. 1, 2017.
Before assuming all of the UFO spottings took place in cornfields or the tiny villages dotted along the highway, many of the sightings were in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati or in well-populated suburbs. It appears aliens are happy visiting every corner of the state.
Chardon — A 64-year-old librarian, and her husband, saw three lights over rural Chardon on Jan. 28.
Brook Park — On Feb. 23, a driver on I-71 saw a flash in the sky, heading west.
Streetsboro — A Streetsboro resident saw an oval shaped flying object pass overhead on June 19. The object is described as silver, with a dark bottom.
The questions is are these all coming from Wright-Paterson Air Force Base?
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