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UBR Classic UBR- UFO Report 83: UFOs All Over New York and DeLonge’s Tweet

Manhattan reported more UFO sightings than any other borough
Article link: https://nypost.com/2018/01/06/manhattan-reported-more-ufo-sightings-than-any-other-borough/
85 UFO Sightings In New York City Over Past Two Years
Manhattan has gone from Studio 54 to Area 51, leading the five boroughs in sightings of unidentified flying objects over the last two years, data from the National UFO Reporting Center reveals.
Otherworldly tourists have included travelers in a “round orange orb,” a crew in a “cigar-shaped” craft and even “an unknown creature” that rudely “teleported” into one New Yorker’s back yard, according to reports made to the Washington-based group.
One Manhattan true believer claimed a close encounter — just by looking outside the gym window.
“It was rotating like a drill as it was also moving off axis and in a line towards the east,” the person explained. “As it rotated, you would be able to see four lights that would only be on one side and seen after it fully rotated. It has to be hundreds of feet long. Then after it appeared, four other smaller craft appeared that were to me saucer or spherical that blipped in and out.”
In all, there have been 27 spacey sightings in Manhattan since 2016.

Tom DeLonge Tweet link: https://twitter.com/tomdelonge/status/941410192486424577
what do you get when you zap a layered piece of Bismuth and Magnesium with Terahertz energy? The dissolution of mass. Or, at least the effect of which. We are working on an experiment for you all. #KindOfLikeAntiGravity

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