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UFO sighting ‘100 percent PROOF aliens are hiding on Moon and NASA is hiding evidence’Article Link:
ALIEN hunters believe they have spotted a UFO leaving the surface of the Moon which is supposedly “100 percent” proof extraterrestrials are using the lunar satellite as a base.
The whacky idea was put forward by conspiracy theorists who believe aliens are using the Moon as a base to monitor Earth. Prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring brought the image to the public’s attention two years ago, he says, but since then NASA have deleted the image. The image in question appears to show an orb-like object near to the surface of the Moon.
Mr Waring wrote on hit blog UFO Sightings Daily: “I reported finding these two photos in the NASA Image Atlas back in 2013, but between then and now, they got deleted.
“The evidence that NASA deleted this proves it is not just a UFO, but is also 100% evidence that the moon is not real, but actually an alien space station.
Mr Waring believes this is proof that aliens are residing on our natural satellite, and NASA is trying to keep this a secret from the public.
Mr Waring wrote on hit blog UFO Sightings Daily: “I reported finding these two photos in the NASA Image Atlas back in 2013, but between then and now, they got deleted.
“The evidence that NASA deleted this proves it is not just a UFO, but is also 100% evidence that the moon is not real, but actually an alien space station.
According to former NASA engineer James Oberg, most UFO sightings are nothing more than “space dandruff” floating in front of cameras.
These specks of dandruff can be anything from bits of chipped paint drifting aimlessly in zero gravity, flakes of ice or part of a spaceship that has broken off.
He said: “I’ve had enough experience with real spaceflight to realise that what’s being seen in many videos is nothing beyond the ‘norm’ from fully mundane phenomena occurring in unearthly settings.”
Mr Oberg argued the human brain is not wired to make sense of these tiny objects floating above Earth.
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