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Thousands of ‘water bears’ crash land on moon. They’re practically indestructibleLink:
A lunar lander transporting a library of information from around the world crashed on the moon, though those behind the project believe the lander’s payload – which included thousands of practically indestructible creatures – survived.
Nova Spivack, co-founder and chairman of the nonprofit Arch Mission Foundation, said the organization worked with Israel-based SpaceIL to send a craft called Beresheet, which means “in the beginning” in Hebrew, to the moon with enough information to “back up Earth.”
“Inside was a lunar library consisting of 30 million pages of human knowledge,” Spivack said. “Including Wikipedia, 30,000 books, a key to 5,000 languages, David Copperfield’s magic secrets and many other things. This was all etched in nickel as tiny little images that you could see with a microscope.”
He said about 60,000 pages could be seen without needing a computer. Beresheet’s payload was an object the size of a DVD. It contained human DNA from 25 people. There were more than 100 cells containing DNA, which, according to Spivack, is enough to “regenerate the human race.”
Also included in the lander’s payload were 10,000 tardigrades. The tiny, nigh-indestructible creatures, also known as “water bears,” are capable of surviving just about anything, including the vacuum of space. Spivack said they could possibly be recovered some day, but right now, they’re in a state of suspended animation, since the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere.
Something slammed into Jupiter, and all we saw was a flash
An amateur astronomer in Texas captured a rare sight earlier this week when an apparent meteor slammed into Jupiter’s thick upper atmosphere.
On Wednesday, amateur astronomer Ethan Chappel was on the lookout for Perseid meteors, reports ScienceAlert. But his telescope was trained on Jupiter with the camera running. Later, after feeding the data into a software program designed to detect impact flashes, Chappel was alerted to the event.
Looking at the footage, Chappel saw a brief but discernible flash along the western portion of Jupiter’s Southern Equatorial Belt, or SEB.
Later that day, Chappel announced his discovery in a tweet: “Imaged Jupiter tonight. Looks awfully like an impact flash in the SEB.” Chappel released a sharper version of the impact on Thursday, along with a colorized view of the apparent impact.
“It expanded from a pinpoint to a small dot before fading away—telltale signs of a possible impact based on previous events observed at Jupiter,” noted King.
Looking at the flash, the size of the explosion seems small, but it’s important to remember that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The meteor had to have been quite big to produce a flash of such prominence.
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