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Link: may have been struck by a newborn planet in a colossal head-on collision 4.5 billon years ago that fundamentally altered the solar system’s largest gas giant, according to a study published in the journal Nature.
An international team of researchers came to this conclusion after running numerous 3D computer simulations—and they say the finding could help to explain some puzzling measurements collected by the Juno spacecraft, which is currently orbiting the planet.
“This is puzzling,” Andrea Isella, a co-author of the study from Rice University, said in a statement. “It suggests that something happened that stirred up the core, and that’s where the giant impact comes into play.”
Initially, Isella was skeptical of this idea when it was put forward by lead author of the study Shange-Fei Liu from Sun Yat-sen University in China—a former postdoctoral researcher at Rice.
“It sounded very unlikely to me, like a one-in-a-trillion probability,” Isella said. “But Shang-Fei convinced me, by shear calculation, that this was not so improbable.”
“Because it’s dense, and it comes in with a lot of energy, the impactor would be like a bullet that goes through the atmosphere and hits the core head-on,” Isella said. “Before impact, you have a very dense core, surrounded by atmosphere. The head-on impact spreads things out, diluting the core.”
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