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UBR Classic UFO Buster Radio News – 275: Elon Musk Says “Taint No Alien Round These Parts”

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Elon Musk Doesn’t Know Where the Aliens Are (So, Stop Asking)
Link: https://www.space.com/elon-musk-on-aliens-area-51-starship-spacex.html

There’s still no sign of aliens at Area 51, according to Elon Musk (or so he claims).

This past weekend in Boca Chica, Texas, in front of a gleeful crowd of SpaceX employees, guests and members of the media, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk revealed new details about Starship Mk, the company’s enormous reusable launch system. But the conversation drifted to extraterrestrial life.

“As far as we know, we’re the only consciousness, or the only life that’s out there,” Musk said. “There might be other life, but we’ve seen no signs of it.”

Seeing as SpaceX has explicit plans to send humans to the surface of Mars, it is no surprise that Musk finds himself ruminating on the possible existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

“People often ask me,” he said, ‘What do you know about the aliens?’ and I’m like, ‘Man, I tell you, pretty sure I’d know if there were aliens. I’ve not seen any sign of aliens.'”

Now, Musk is not an astrobiologist, nor does he perform research in another field advancing the search for extraterrestrial life. So, I’m not sure that the idea that, if anyone has information about aliens, it’s Elon Musk, holds up. Still, he remains a powerful figure in the spaceflight industry and, for all who are wondering, he has seen no evidence of alien life.

“Well, is the military hiding aliens in Area 51 or something? That’s a popular meme,” he added. “Let me tell you, the fastest way to increase defense funding would be to bring out, like, ‘Hey, we found an alien!’ Ah, more money for defense, definitely.”

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