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UBR Classic UFO Buster Radio News – 276: The SpaceX To The Moon, Enceladus Life, and Charlotte North Carolina UFO

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NASA Just Revealed an Ocean on Enceladus Contains The Building Blocks of Life
Link: https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-just-revealed-enceladus-really-does-contain-the-building-blocks-of-life

Scientists just found the most basic ingredients for life bursting from an ocean on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.

A new analysis of NASA data reveals the presence of organic compounds in the plumes of liquid water that shoot into space from the ocean below Enceladus’s icy crust.

These compounds, which carry nitrogen and oxygen, play a key role in producing amino acids ⁠- complex molecules that serve as the building blocks of proteins. Without proteins, life as we know it on Earth couldn’t exist.

Scientists have long suspected that the ocean below Enceladus’s surface could harbour the ingredients for life. Researchers had detected other organic molecules coming from the icy moon before, but this is the first time anyone has detected them dissolved in the water.

These findings were published Wednesday in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

“This work shows that Enceladus’ ocean has reactive building blocks in abundance, and it’s another green light in the investigation of the habitability of Enceladus,” Frank Postberg, a co-author of the study, said in a press release.

These compounds were dissolved in the ocean water below Enceladus’s surface. They then evaporated with the surface water, condensed, and froze into the moon’s icy crust, according to the study. The plumes blew the compounds into space, where NASA’s Cassini spacecraft sensed them as it flew nearby.

Cassini blasted off from Earth in October 1997 and entered Saturn orbit in 2004. It didn’t take long for Enceladus to start dishing out surprises. Cassini began studying Enceladus in February 2005 when the spacecraft passed within 725 miles

Strange lights off the Outer Banks spark UFO debate: Was it aliens or the military?
Link: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article235790617.html

A fleet of lights recorded off North Carolina’s Outer Banks has ignited a debate about whether they are honest-to-goodness UFOs or just part of a mysterious military exercise.

William Guy posted a 31-second video Sept. 28 on YouTube, showing what appears to be 14 glowing orbs over the water. He refers to it as a “real UFO sighting.”

“Anybody tell me what that is?” Guy says in the video. “We’re in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry, nothing around. Look. Nothing around. No land, no nothing.”

Guy told the McClatchy news group he’s from Indiana and is among the workers sent to repair damage on Ocracoke Island caused by intense flooding during Hurricane Dorian.

The video was filmed aboard a ferry crossing the Pamlico Sound from Ocracoke Island to Swan Quarter on the mainland, he said. The lights appeared for at least a minute and a half, he posted on YouTube.

“I know what those lights are,” posted Derrick Chennault on YouTube. “As a former Marine based at the 2nd Marine Air Wing in Cherry Point, N.C. … we used to regularly drop flares out of the back of our plane in the evenings for military exercises… Glad to see the Marines are still spooking people.”

SpaceX picked to launch upcoming NASA moon mission
Link: https://www.cnet.com/news/spacex-picked-for-upcoming-nasa-moon-mission/

The space agency is sending a series of robots to the moon, and Elon Musk’s company will help the first one get there.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX seems to be a popular choice for private missions to the moon that need a lift.

Houston-based Intuitive Machines will use SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9 rocket to launch a Nova-C lander that’s heading to the moon in 2021, the companies said Wednesday.

A Falcon 9 was also used to launch the Israeli Beresheet spacecraft for its moon mission earlier this year, but the lander suffered a crash landing on the lunar surface.

Intuitive Machines, which specializes in autonomous systems, and its Nova-C will make the trip to the moon to do work for NASA. The company is one of several selected by the space agency for its Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. The idea is to send a number of robotic missions to the moon to perform science experiments and test new technologies in advance of NASA’s planned return to the lunar surface with astronauts as soon as 2024.

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