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Top Researchers Claim US Military Is Covering Up Their Own Super Advanced Aircraft By Making People Believe It Is A UFOLink:
Remember, the Navy identified UFOs flying over the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego at least two weeks before Top Gun Navy pilot Commander David Fravor and three other F/A-18 Hornet pilots investigated the strange craft.
“Sometimes they’d be at an altitude of 80,000 or 60,000 feet. Other times they’d be around 30,000 feet, going like 100 knots,” former Petty Officer 3rd Class Gary Voorhis said. “Their radar cross-sections didn’t match any known aircraft; they were 100 percent red. No squawk, no IFF (Identification Friend or Foe).”
Some people believe that the UFO the pilots witnessed was not an alien spaceship, but rather a human-created aircraft with capabilities that have never been seen. One of those people is top UFO researchers Blake and Brent Cousins, who is behind the extremely popular Thirdphaseofmoon YouTube channel.
In August, the U.S. Navy finally admitted that the UFO encounter from the USS Nimitz was real.
Blake Cousins believes that the aircraft seen in the Nimitz tapes is not a UFO from a distant galaxy, but rather a top-secret military aircraft. The UFO expert suspects that the United States government is hoping that the public believes that the aircraft is an alien UFO. The military frantically attempted a major coverup to keep their one-of-a-kind aircraft under wraps so that other countries don’t find out the potential of the U.S. military.
Navy Admits It Has More Information/Video On The Nimitz UFO Encounter That They’re Not Sharing
That is… until now. One researcher named Christian Lambright submitted a FOIA request to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) back in October looking for some very specific information along these lines. He finally received a response recently. The military didn’t supply him with any new videos or documents, but they did concede that they located other documents and another video that would be applicable to his request. They could not release them, however, because the documents were classified TOP SECRET and the video footage was SECRET. Their release, the Navy claims, could cause “grave damage” to national security. This information was published recently by Paul Dean. (Emphasis added)
Our review of our records and systems reveal that ONI has no releasable records related to your request. ONI has searched our records for responsive documents. We have discovered certain briefing slides that are classified TOP SECRET. A review of these materials indicates that are currently and appropriate Marked and Classified TOP SECRET under Executive Order 13526, and the Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States. Specifically, under Section 1.4, the materials would trigger protections under subcategory c), the Intelligence Activities of the United States, as well as the Sources and Methods that are being used to gather information in support of the National Security of the United States. In addition, the materials would trigger protections under subcategory e), Scientific and Technological Matters related to the National Security of the United States. For this reason, the materials are exempt from release under the (b) (1) Exemption for Classified Matters of National Defense. As a result these records may not be released and are being withheld.
We have also determined that ONI possesses a video classified SECRET that ONI is not the Original Classification Authority for. ONI has forwarded your request to Naval Air Systems Command to make a determination on releasability…”
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