UBR Classic Episode 10: The Passing of Edgar Mitchell Cubesats and Moon

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This episode we hold a moment of silence in memory of Edgar Mitchell. The former U.S. Astronaut and UFO truth seeker passed away on February 4th at the age of 85. Also, we discuss recent activities by David Cotes and his attempt to launch a privately funded Cubesats into low orbit in an effort to identify UFOs. We urge everyone to participate in the crowdfunding effort below on KickStarter.
Relevant Links:
Passing of Edger Mitchell
Cubesat Campaign
For the O-Zone
In the O-Zone Big O discusses the ongoing conspiracies concerning structures on the Moon and Mars. Is NASA really covering up the existence of artifact from previous civilizations or even current visitors?

To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences.

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